Rock Hill Truck Accident Lawyer

Back in the day, truckers were only allowed to occupy the right hand (slow) lane of a highway unless they were passing another vehicle. Nowadays, trucks travel through cities and across the country using all lanes — sometimes 3 or 4 abreast. It is frustrating and hazardous to other drivers trying to get to their destinations in a comfortable manner.

Should you or a loved one be victims of a Rock Hill truck accident, Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers can be on the scene quickly. To have the traffic investigation conducted by your own advocate is crucial — it is important to know that an insurance adjuster will be acting on the behalf of their carrier.  

An Accident Waiting to Happen


Though statewide laws do not prevent trucks from traveling in the fast lane, most of them do have ‘keep right’ laws in place. These rules encourage staying to the right if you are driving slower than traffic flow or speed limit, to allow others to pass safely.

Not only are multiple trucks on a stretch of highway intimidating, but given the pressures under which they work — long hours equals drowsy drivers — abrupt movements can wreak havoc on surrounding travelers in a matter of seconds.

When road crews or lane closures are in place, maneuvering around trucks whose operators insist on holding their position in the far left (fast) lane makes tempers flare and navigating even more stressful.  

Truck Driver Rules to Live By

Taking your eyes off the road for a mere 5 seconds at a speed of 55 mph is equal to traveling the length of a football field. When driving a car or riding a motorcycle, the peripheral views may help to save you from crashing. A trucker is dealing with only side mirrors and a whole lot of weight to bring to a stop.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) tells us that drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) are among those more likely to drive when they are sleepy. Unfortunately, drowsiness impairs you in the same way as alcohol does — causing reckless jockeying to avoid impact, drifting out of your lane, incapacitating your reaction time and perception.  

There is a universal camaraderie shared by fellow truckers on the road. That being said, drivers of other vehicles may not be in the same ‘club’ but they are fellow humans, and aggressive or distracted actions are deadly for everyone. Maybe the fact that they are carrying the most weight can sway truckers to take the ‘high road’ more often.

Truckers: The Law is The Law

Truck driver resistance to the governance of their drive and sleep times are well known and somewhat understandable. Unfortunately, without any guidelines, many more lives would be at risk.

In 2013, new Hours-of-Service regulations by the Department of Transportation came into effect for trucks with a gross (or combination) weight rating of over 10,000 pounds, or those transporting hazardous materials which required warning placards.

Essentially, the restrictions of Part 395 set a maximum workload of 70 hours in a given week, followed with a 34-hour mandated rest break. The length of this 34-hour break was highly contested a year after its enactment (December of 2014) and enforcement subsequently suspended. However, due to the findings of a DOT CMV Driver Restart Study, the rule was reinstated.    

Choosing the Right Law Firm is a Big Deal

Our Rock Hill truck accident attorney has the experience and fortitude to fight for a victim’s rights, which is why we are able to offer our A&A Zero Fee Guarantee™. No retainer is necessary with Auger & Auger because when we take on a case, we mean to win it.

Truck collisions are almost always a catastrophe with devastating injuries, many with fatalities. If you or your loved ones were injured parties in a Rock Hill truck accident, compensation is something that needs be determined and fought for proficiently. Our Rock Hill injury lawyers are just a phone call away and always ready to help!    

Call (803) 992-8878 today for your free consultation, with no fees due until recovery!