You would like to believe that when seeking relief from a debilitating condition, and your doctor tells you there is something to help, that it’s going to improve your life. Of course, there are always risks, which are explained prior to surgery — but what is not expected is for a device to be defective and cause you additional harm.
Auger & Auger’s Rock Hill defective medical device attorney has no reticence about taking on big manufacturers or medical professionals when it comes to defending a client. If you or your loved one has experienced complications from a defective device implanted or otherwise compensating for a bodily function, our Rock Hill personal injury law firm wants to hear from you!
Auger & Auger Medical Devices Litigation
You may have been left with a further disability or new complications after accepting the implantation of a medical device — but that doesn’t mean you have to continue to bear it. You have the right to replacements, repairs, and compensatory damages, whether your device is: a Stryker, metal hip replacement, power morcellator, transvaginal or hernia mesh, Bair Hugger warmer blanket or IVC blood clot filters.
Auger & Auger’s Rock Hill defective medical device attorneys are actively representing clients throughout the Carolinas who have experienced severe complications with IVC blood clot filters and hernia mesh implants (known to decompose with pieces traveling throughout the body).
Fda Approval Is Not Everything!
Did you know that manufacturers are allowed to release a product that is not thoroughly tested, just because it is comparable to another device on the market? The FDA 501(K) clearance program will sanction a new device even if a similar apparatus has caused a stir but has yet to be ‘officially’ recalled, or if that manufacturer is currently in litigation.
Relying solely on government regulatory agencies can be risky when it comes to putting your life on the line. Science is consistent in its efforts to advance our medical advantages and save lives. That said, the proper time and trials should be completed before introducing them to our citizens. Knowing you are part of a clinical trial is one thing, but unsuspectingly accepting an unproven device is another.
Medical Teams Do Have Choices!
We anticipate that hospitals and physicians will be extremely selective in their acceptance of medical devices into their supply cabinets. Assumptions and testaments from the manufacturer’s salespersons are certainly not what a patient wants to discover has swayed their doctor toward implementing a particular device.
When surgeons shy away from certain devices, it’s because they don’t feel confident using them. The hospital surgical chiefs and administrators should be on the same page and trust the medical personnel in their charge. Hopefully, the experts will share any misgivings with you and let you know about all the options you have available.
We Are Here For The Long Haul
When you have undergone a medical procedure or surgical repair, you have a right to look forward to effective results. If your medical device has failed, you may have debilitating conditions, devastating emotions, and financial failure.
Our Rock Hill defective medical device attorney at Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers is determined to advocate for you with unrivaled perseverance and dedication. You can rest assured that your money will not be put at risk because our A&A Zero Fee Guarantee™ ensures that no fees are due until we win your cash.
Call (803) 992-8878 today for your free consultation, with no fees due until recovery!