It may appear to parents, and their children expressing interest in recreational vehicles, that a 4-wheel ATV is a safer option amongst the choices available. In South Carolina it’s against the law to ride them on paved roadways, so the kids won’t be out in the streets; crashes tend to involve only 1 driver, and end up in the landscape. Sounds pretty good so far.
However, if you speak with an ATV accident attorney from Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers they will explain that the safety of beginner drivers (whether ATV or automobiles) is dependent upon virtually the same things. Awareness of local laws, proper driving instructions, and practice in the presence of experienced drivers; knowledge of actions to take during various road conditions; respect for others sharing the same trails; focus on your own driving; and getting from A to B safely.
Auger & Auger handles personal injury cases involving victims of ATV rollovers and crashes in South Carolina, which begins with a FREE lawyer consultation.
Where Beginners Go Wrong
Typically, quad riders feel safer with 4 wheels on the ground, which tends to make them relax more and let their feet drag and could cause a serious injury if your foot gets caught in the back tires. Nerf bars are larger footpegs constructed from lightweight, quality aluminum. Their nylon webbing gives the rider a safe platform to stabilize your feet for maximum control over the ATV.
Rollovers on an ATV are easier than you think. Wheelies look cool and can be fun to negotiate, unless you loop out and your ATV becomes a bucking bronco, flipping you on your back and landing on top. Learn how to do a safe wheelie from a pro. Another unexpected rollover can occur when you’re sliding around in mud and the tires grip the ground, while the rest of the ATV keeps going, with you on it.
Driving a 4-wheel ATV with a gas engine and no seatbelts gives you absolutely no protection on its own. At the very minimum you should wear goggles, a helmet, glove, and riding boots; with extra protection (neck and knee brace, and chest protector) as your experience pulls you toward fancier moves
A quad’s thumb throttle plus an automatic clutch can make for fast, exciting rides. But you need to take it slow and learn how much speed and power the throttle has before letting loose (or you can loop out or lurch into a large tree).
Rock Hill’s Legal Atv Age Limits
Dubbed “Chandler’s Law” the South Carolina All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Act was adopted in 2011. Essentially, it mandates that children between the ages of 6 and 15 must ride with helmets and eye protection. They must also be accompanied by an adult, and are not allowed to carry passengers. They must have in their possession a certificate proving successful completion of a ‘hands-on’ ATV safety course which has the approval of the All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Institute. Under no circumstances can a child aged 5 years and under operate an ATV; neither can an ATV be driven after dark.
You Are Our Focus!
It is critical that you reach out to an experienced Rock Hill accident and injury lawyer as soon as possible after a crash, so we can help you through the steps and begin investigating the case. Auger & Auger’s legal investigating team will be sent out to the scene to make sure the facts required are documented in order to prove your claim; which can include witness interviews, and an inspection of the ATV as well as any other vehicles involved. Although insurance companies will perform their own investigations, they will be focused on minimizing their company’s culpability and exposure to liability.
As you’re recuperating from your injuries and going about your family business, our Rock Hill ATV accident attorney is going to handle your claim. This can include helping you find appropriate medical treatment, recover any lost wages, and going to bat for you — so you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.
Call (803) 992-8878 today for your free consultation, with no fees due until recovery!