Raleigh Teenage Car Accident Lawyer


Teen drivers in Raleigh and throughout North Carolina are at twice the risk of being involved in a car accident in the first month of being licensed than they do after a full year of driving unsupervised. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently conducted a sturdy which found that the majority of teen driving collisions are caused by three main factors: not paying attention, not yielding the right of way, and driving too fast. As part of the study, video cameras were installed in the teen’s cars. A review of the films revealed teen had difficulty making left hand turns and experienced many near-miss situations. Of course, the longer the teen was licensed, the fewer instances of risky driving behavior.

Auto Accident Q&A with Herb Auger

Raleigh Car Accident Lawyer Arlene Auger is acutely aware of the worry that comes with having a teenage driver in the family, and understands that the serious injury or death of a child is perhaps the most traumatic event a family can endure. As the parent of a newly licensed teen driver, Mrs. Auger is familiar with the anxiety a parent feels every time their teen gets in a car, whether as a driver or a passenger.



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one third of teenage deaths are the result of involvement in an automobile accident, and that almost 8 teens each day die in a car crash. In fact, based on miles driven, teens are at four times the risk of being in a car accident than older drivers.

Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers is experienced in investigating and pursuing personal injury and wrongful death cases against responsible parties in teenage driver car accidents. When a teenager is responsible for causing an automobile accident with injury or death, we will look to a number of sources for recovery, including the personal policy of the teenager, the policy of the teen’s parent, the policy of the vehicle owner’s car if the teen is driving someone else’s car, and if the teen was driving an employer’s vehicle, we will look to the employer’s policy.

Teenage Drivers Are More Likely To Do The Following:

  • Read or send text messages while driving
  • Not wear a seatbelt
  • Have more passengers than their provisional license allows
  • Get in the car with an impaired driver
  • Be an impaired driver
  • Disregard the right of way
  • Disregard the speed limit

Car Crashes Leading Cause Of Death For American Teens

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the leading cause of death for teen in this country is involvement in a car accident, and those between the ages of 16 and 24 are the least likely to use a seatbelt. This is ironic, as this age group represents licensed drivers who have most recently participated in driver’s ed and should therefore be familiar with the seatbelt law in North Carolina. The graduated licensing program in North Carolina is an effort to reduce these statistics, however, AAA maintains that parental monitoring of teen driving remains the most effective method for improving teen driving skills.

A prompt investigation will have a beneficial effect on your case. Contact the experienced attorneys at Auger & Auger today for your free and confidential consultation.