Drunk drivers in Raleigh have been responsible for causing car accidents that result in serious injury or death. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), North Carolina ranks 22nd in the nation for drunk driving, and 29% of all traffic related fatalities in our state are attributed to drunk driving. Of the drunk driver related traffic deaths in North Carolina, 70% involved a blood alcohol concentration above .15%.
The Raleigh accident and injury lawyers at Auger & Auger are dedicated to preserving and protecting the rights and financial interests of victims and family members of those who have been killed or seriously injured due to a drunk driving accident in Raleigh. It is illegal in every state, for a person to drive a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or higher. It is also illegal in every state for someone under the age of 21 to purchase alcohol. Notwithstanding these laws, drunk driving, and particularly underage drunk driving, remains a problem. Out of 363 drunk driving accident fatalities in 2009, 35 involved drivers under the age of 21.
The DWI accident attorneys at Auger & Auger have more than 40 years combined legal experience in recovering maximum compensation for people injured or killed due to a drunk driver. We have a great deal of compassion for our clients and their family members who have suffered tremendous emotional, financial, and physical distress following a car accident caused by a drunk driver. We understand the anger and frustration that can arise. Our goal is to relieve some of the stress you may be going through, ensure you have appropriate medical care, and enable you to be confident that your interests are being looked after.
Under North Carolina law, a person injured or killed by a drunk driver is entitled to recover punitive damages. Punitive damages are a monetary award intended to punish the at-fault party for their behavior, and is awarded on top of claims for bills for medical treatment, lost wages, pain and suffering, and permanent injury. When a car accident case is caused by a drunk driver, or someone under the influence of an impairing substance such as prescription medication, over the counter medication, or illegal substance, settlement values and jury verdicts tend to be higher. Most victims of accidents caused by a driver under the influence are not aware of the availability of punitive damages, and it is certainly not something that the insurance company and its highly trained claim representative would volunteer. Auger & Auger are experienced in pursuing injury claims involving impaired drivers and use every resource to ensure the highest possible settlement.
The hours and days following a car accident caused by a drunk driver is a critical time period in which the insurance company for the at-fault party may attempt a quick settlement, or take your recorded statement while you are vulnerable, and they will be working to minimize any payout. This is when you need an experienced North Carolina serious injury lawyer working for you. Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers will conduct a prompt investigation and will work to preserve your rights. Our attorneys can meet you at any of our convenient locations throughout North Carolina, or at your doctor’s office, the hospital, or even at your home.
When you contact Auger & Auger, your consultation is confidential. It is also free, regardless of the length of time spent on your conference.