Parents entrust their children to daycare providers every day. Daycare offers children important opportunities to socialize and learn to play with other children so they are better prepared when they start school. Unfortunately, some daycare providers do not live up to the trust that parents place in them.
When a daycare provider is negligent, children can suffer irreparable harm. A child could be physically or emotionally injured as a result of daycare injuries. In the most tragic of cases, a child could be killed as a result of the failures of caregivers.
When injury happens at a daycare center, parents have the right to pursue legal action on behalf of their child and family. An experienced Raleigh daycare injury lawyer at Auger & Auger can provide the legal guidance and representation you need when a tragedy affects your family due to a careless daycare provider.
Injuries at daycare centers could include:
- Fall injuries
- Injuries on playground equipment
- Illnesses due to children eating dangerous cleaning products or chemicals
- Death or permanent injury from a child being left in a daycare vehicle on a hot day
- Sexual abuse perpetrated by staff members
- Injuries caused by other children due to negligent supervision
- Allergic reactions due to a daycare center’s failure to follow food restrictions
- Sports and gaming injuries
In these and other situations, it is necessary to determine what the daycare center’s obligation to the child was and whether the daycare center failed to fulfill its duties. Daycare centers are held responsible for the negligence of staff members on-the-job, as well as in situations where the facility fails to have standards and policies in place to protect kids.
It is up to parents to prove the daycare center failed in its obligations and that a child was hurt as a result. Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers have helped many families throughout the Raleigh area take legal action and recover full and fair compensation when a daycare facility failed their family.
Getting Legal Help from Raleigh Daycare Injury Lawyers
A Raleigh day care injuries attorney can help you understand who is to blame for what happened to your child and can help you put together the strongest possible case to prove your damage claim. Your lawyer can help you negotiate a settlement with the company operating the daycare center or can file a personal injury claim on your behalf and go to court to prove your right to compensation.
When your family is affected by a bad daycare center, you deserve to be fully compensated for medical costs, loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, or wrongful death. The injury or death of a child can cause a lifetime of loss, and Auger & Auger will fight hard to help your family get the money your child is entitled to help compensate for the injury. Call today to learn more.