Rear-end collisions in Raleigh are a frequent occurrence. With North Carolina’s population growth, comes more traffic volume on our roadways and more hit from behind car accidents as drivers often find themselves stuck in stop-and-go traffic.
Raleigh Injury Lawyers/Rear-End Car Crash
The Raleigh car accident attorneys at Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers are committed to helping accident victims obtain compensation for their personal injury or wrongful death. Under almost every circumstance, the rear driver is cited with fault in a rear-end collision, even if the first driver brakes suddenly. The law imparts a duty on all drivers to maintain a safe following distance, and to be aware of conditions on the roadway.
Common Causes Of Hit-From-Behind Accidents
Most hit-from-behind collisions are caused by distracted drivers. A driver can be distracted by any number of reasons, speaking with another passenger, eating, grooming, looking at cell phone, adjusting the radio, etc. When the driver returns his attention to the road, he finds himself too close to the vehicle ahead, and ends up crashing. Rear-end collisions also occur with aggressive driving, following too closely, unsafe lane change, drunk driving, or hazardous weather conditions.
Raleigh Rear-End Collisions Often Result In Neck Injuries, Back Injuries, And Whiplash
In most rear-end accidents, the victim is unaware of the impending impact as he will usually be paying attention to the traffic in front of him. Even if the victim realizes he is about to be hit from behind, there is usually no evasive action he can take to avoid impact. A hit-from-behind accident often results in a hyperextension/hyperflexion injury to the neck, or whiplash. Often times, injuries include head ache, neck pain, back pain, and numbness radiating to the arms and legs. Symptoms are typically the result of ligaments being stretched or torn when the body is jolted forward and backward. The size and speed of the vehicle that hits you can exponentially increase the risk of serious or fatal injury. If you are operating a small or midsize car, and are struck by a large SUV, or alternatively, if you are the passenger in a small or midsize car that strikes a large SUV, injuries can be catastrophic.
Don’t Let Insurance Company Take Advantage
In the hours and days immediately following a car accident you are at your most vulnerable, and the insurance companies know this. You don’t know the extent or severity of your injuries, you may need medical attention and not know where to turn, your car is damaged and you don’t have alternate transportation, you may worry about seeking medical attention and who is going to pay for your treatment, and you may be unable to miss any time from work. This puts you in a vulnerable situation, and the insurance companies know this. It is during these first few hours and days that the insurance company may seek to take advantage of you. They may take your tape recorded statement and get you to minimize your injuries, take your statements out of context, or even offer you a very low settlement offer. Before you speak with the insurance company, call Auger & Auger. Attorney Arlene Auger has worked as an attorney for several large insurance companies, and knows how the insurance companies operate. With more than 40 years legal experience combined, Auger & Auger knows how to maximize your case.
Consultations Are Free
If a Raleigh car accident has injured you or a loved one, contact the accident and injury lawyers at Auger & Auger for a free and confidential consultation.