N.C. G.S. 20-4.01(12B) defines a golf cart as “a vehicle designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for sporting or recreational purposes and that is not capable of exceeding speeds of 20 miles per hour.” Golf carts use is on the rise, particularly by people in seaside communities as a quick form of transportation around the beach. Regardless of where you are driving your cart though, you are susceptible to the negligence of car or truck drivers who often ignore important crossing signs for golf carts, as well as the negligence of other golf cart operators.
If you are involved in any golf cart accident, whether you were hit by one, or were the passenger of a negligent driver, it is imperative that you contact an Ocean Isle Beach golf cart accident lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that they have ample time to perform an investigation and question witnesses before people move away.
The Cause of Golf Cart Accidents: Negligence
The most common cause of golf cart injury is when people hang their legs outside of their golf cart, and very often when people bang their leg on something or get it caught, they will fall out or lose control of the vehicle, potentially sending it towards innocent pedestrians and drivers. Other frequent causes of golf cart accidents include traveling at unsafe speeds over uneven surfaces or wet conditions, overcrowding, turning the vehicle too quickly causing a roll over, and engaging in horseplay, usually while intoxicated.
Whether you are a passenger or driver, if you are injured a golf cart accident due to the negligence of others, you are entitled to pursue compensation for your injuries, medical costs, time lost from work, disabilities, pain and suffering, and in the unfortunate case that a loved one is killed, you are entitled to pursue a wrongful death claim.
Talk to an Experienced Attorney about Your Claim Today
After an accident, you may have a hard time figuring out how to pay your medical bills, property damages, and/or work with any injuries you may have sustained in your accident. Insurance companies may undervalue or deny your claim, and you may not know what to do from where you are at.
At Auger & Auger Accident and Injury, we believe in helping people during their time of need, and will allow you to talk to an attorney for free, for however long your consultation takes, whether it is on the phone or in person. If you choose to retain us, we will also wait until we have reached a settlement on your behalf before we charge you a dime.