More than three billion prescriptions are written each year in the United States, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Tragically, some of these prescriptions are for medications with unexpected and dangerous side effects. When drugs cause unexpected harm, victims deserve compensation.
The North Carolina drug injuryattorneys at Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers can provide legal representation to victims who are hurt by the drugs that are supposed to help them. Give us a call if you need assistance when you or someone you love experienced dangerous side effects or unexpected adverse outcomes due to a dangerous medication.
Dangerous Drugs Cause Unexpected Injuries
According to the FDA, more than four million complications occur each year due to medication which cause patients to seek treatments at doctors’ offices, emergency rooms, and other care facilities. Over 117,000 people suffer complications serious enough to necessitate hospitalization.
Most of these complications are preventable and occur either because the wrong medication was provided; because the wrong dosage was given; or because of a problem with the medication itself. Drug companies are expected to conduct comprehensive testing to ensure that medications are safe before the products are released to the marketplace. Unfortunately, this does not always occur.
There are a number of reasons why dangerous drugs and defective medical devices make it to the marketplace, including a loophole in the FDA approval process. Under 501(K) approval rules, “substantially similar” products can be released without comprehensive testing if the medical devices are fundamentally similar to devices that have existing FDA approval.
The problem is, some of the existing approved products have been proved dangerous already- but can still be used to bring more dangerous products to the marketplace as long as the products have not been formally recalled.
Regardless of why dangerous drugs come to the marketplace, they can be detrimental to patient health. Some cause serious side effects like heart attacks, and even death. When something goes wrong, patients need to know their rights.
Patients Can Get Help When Defective Drugs Harm Them
Patients may file civil lawsuits to recover compensation if they are harmed by any dangerous drugs or any defective medical devices. Patients can pursue claims for monetary damages for both prescription and nonprescription medications and medical devices including but not limited too:
Defective drug cases can be complicated because patients must prove that the medication caused them to experience damages. Patients do not have to prove the drug company was negligent, as drug companies may be legally responsible under strict liability rules even if they performed testing, as long as the products they released caused harm when used as intended. Patients can make a case based on:
- Strict liability
- Negligence in design and manufacturing
- Failure to provide warning of side effects
An experienced North Carolina dangerous drug lawyer can provide invaluable assistance in helping plaintiffs to prove that a drug hurt them or killed someone they loved. Update – We are no longer accepting Xarelto cases. The Xarelto MDL litigation that we were part of was successfully resolved in March of 2019.
Getting Help from a North Carolina Dangerous Drug Lawyer
A North Carolina dangerous drug lawyer at Auger & Auger can help victims of medication side effects to understand when they have a case and to make a strong claim for compensation. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the legal assistance we offer.