You have every right as a patient to expect relief of your medical condition when you seek treatment. It is an unfortunate circumstance when a patient experiences complications, or worse, debilitating injury after receiving a medical device they expected would resolve their condition. Our Myrtle Beach defective medical device attorney wants to assure you that in these circumstances, you do have rights that we will work passionately to protect.
No person should have to deal with medical complications due to a defective device. At Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers, we are standing up to manufacturers of Stryker hip replacements, power morcellators, Bair Hugger Warmer Blankets, metal hip replacements, and transvaginal mesh. Our team is currently pursuing legal claims regarding two of the most pertinent issues: hernia mesh implants and inferior vena cava (IVC) blood filters.
Hernia Mesh: More Harm Than Help
When surgeons repair hernias, they often find that tissues have been damaged and need support during healing. Hernia meshes are implanted as a way to offer this support. Sadly, many patients experience a worsening in their health instead of an improvement.
Complications that may arise after hernia mesh implantation include bleeding, infection, perforation of organs, bowel obstruction and pain. Problems post-surgery were reported so often that the FDA was forced to recall several mesh products. In most cases, these meshes were the contributing cause of obstruction and a bowel perforation.
Ivc Blood Clot Filters: Safety Warnings Issued
Blood clots are dangerous. They can dislodge and migrate to the heart, brain or lungs. IVC blood clot filters were designed to prevent this migration from occurring. After implantation, these filters can break apart or even fall out of place. Any of these issues may cause devastating health complications.
Having the filter removed may not be a viable option for patients. After the insertion of an IVC filter, any patient experiencing neck pain, chest pain, difficulty breathing or other adverse medical complication, is urged to seek prompt medical attention.
When a patient experiences such complications due to a defective medical device, they have the right to seek compensation and hold the manufacturer responsible. An experienced legal advocate is essential in recovering the compensation to which you are entitled.
We Fight The Manufacturer On Your Behalf
As a family-owned-and-operated practice, Auger & Auger takes personal injury very seriously. Negligence and error should never cause someone to suffer. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a defective medical device, we will passionately commit ourselves to make things right.
Our A&A Zero Fee Guarantee™ ensures that no payment is accepted until your case is settled. We do not believe that financial concerns should prevent you from seeking compensation!
Please do not hesitate to reach out today to Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers at 843-385-9342 for a FREE consultation with our defective medical device attorney.