Automobile accidents are scary. It’s even scarier when you’re not sure where to turn or what to do. Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers has fought for over 20 years for the rights of persons injured in automobile wrecks, motorcycle crashes, trucking crashes, golf-cart collisions, even bicycle/pedestrian accidents. Call our office at (864) 991-3532 to see if we can help you obtain your Greenville car accident report today. Reports are only provided to individuals directly involved in an accident. We do not provide reports to third parties such as attorneys, or insurance carriers.
How Do I Get a Greenville, SC Crash Report?
The Public Records Office of the Greenville County Department of Public Safety will help locate your accident report and for a nominal fee, you may request a copy be produced to you. This is a centralized records office for obtaining accident reports where Greenville City Police Department or Greenville County Sheriff’s Office are first responders. Their headquarters is located at 20 McGee Street, Greenville, SC 29601. Hours are from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.
By Mail
You may also mail in a request to the Greenville County Department of Public Safety by enclosing a request for your accident report to the following address (please note, a nominal fee may apply):
Greenville County Department of Public Safety
20 McGee Street
Greenville, SC 29601
Alternatively, you may mail in a Request for Officer’s Report (Form FR-50) to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV). Be sure to include the date of the request, your name/mailing address, date of the accident, county of the accident, name of the driver(s) involved and driver’s license number. You must mail two copies of this form, and a check or money order for $6.00, to the address below:
Financial Responsibility
P.O. Box 1498
Blythewood, SC 29016-0040
Should you encounter any issues, please call Greenville City Police Department at (864) 271-5333. A records officer will guide you further upon calling, and may ask for key details relevant to the accident. Any information you have pertaining to your accident will be helpful to the records officer; information including your name, date of the accident, the report number (this is often given to you at the scene of the accident by the responding officer), and/or location of the accident.
Free Consultation and Accident Report
Give our office a call at (864) 991-3532 for a no-obligation consultation regarding your accident. With over 20 years of legal experience, Auger & Auger can help you determine the officer’s findings relating to the accident, who they think is at fault for the crash, and why the fault was attributed. Our Greenville car accident attorneys help find vital and easy-to-miss information important to your case, and communicate this information with an absolutely no-cost consultation about your accident.