Contact a Greensboro wrongful death attorney at Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers if someone you love has passed away. Family members have the right to receive compensation if any person or company was responsible for causing an untimely death. Our attorneys have more than five decades of combined experience representing clients and we can help you to understand your rights and move forward with legal action to recover full and fair compensation for losses.
Making a Wrongful Death Claim for Damages
Any individual, business, or government agency can be held accountable for causing an untimely death to occur. The key question is whether the death occurred as a direct result of negligence or wrongdoing. It is up to the plaintiff in a wrongful death case to file the civil action and provide proof that the defendant is liable for causing the illness or injuries that led to the death.
Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers can help put together strong evidence for a wrongful death case. The right type of evidence is going to vary depending upon how the death occurred. In a motor vehicle accident claim, for example, a plaintiff can win a wrongful death case by showing the defendant violated a traffic safety rule or was otherwise unreasonably careless in a way that directly led to the death. Our Greensboro personal injury attorneys can subpoena records, find experts, and interview witnesses to help you try to make a successful wrongful death claim.
Compensation for a Wrongful Death
Wrongful death damages should provide for those who have been left behind. A death can lead to actual financial loss. The victim may have incurred medical expenses before passing away, and there will be funeral costs and burial expenses. These actual financial losses should be compensated.
When someone is killed, that person is no longer able to provide services to the family, like childcare. He also no longer earns wages that could be used to take care of his loved ones and dependents. Wrongful death damages should include compensation for the money a deceased will not be able to make over his lifetime.
In addition to these actual financial damages, there are other losses that are harder to measure. The loss of the deceased’s love, companionship and care can never be healed and no price can be put on this tremendous loss. Monetary damages are still available and your Greensboro wrongful death attorney can help you make a jury understand just how grave these losses were.
Getting Help from a Greensboro Wrongful Death Attorney
Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers is dedicated to fighting for the rights of people who have lost someone they love in a preventable accident. Give us a call today at (336) 346-1963 to schedule a free consultation with a Greensboro wrongful death attorney who can help with your case.