Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend. However, dogs are unpredictable and can cause serious injuries. If you were injured as a result of a dog bite in Greensboro, you may be entitled to certain legal rights. Approximately 4.7 million dog bites happen every year, and the insurance industry pays more than $1 billion in dog-bite claims, according to the American Humane Society. Our children are at the greatest risk for a dog bite, with the highest rate of dog bite injuries belonging to children ages 5 to 9 years.
The Greensboro dog bite attorneys at Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers have been helping victims and their families of dog and animal attacks for a combined 40 years. “We have built a niche and reputation in the legal community in successfully representing victims of dog bite injuries the past 20 years,” partner Herb Auger states.
The Most Common Victims of Dog Attacks
- Young Children
- Delivery drivers or repairmen
- Guests
- Runners
- Bicyclists
- Neighbors
Everyone within the radius of a vicious or poorly trained dog is at risk of an attack. We have represented curriers, neighbors, utility and other repairmen visiting the dog owner’s home, runners and bicyclists and even invited guest and relatives. The primary cause in every case that we handle is not the animal, but the careless owner who fails to properly secure a pet and ensure the safety to the members of the community.
North Carolina Falls under the “One-Bite Rule”
A dog owner is generally not responsible for a dog’s “first bite.” This burden can be overcome if the dog is a breed with “dangerous propensities,” such as a pit bull, chow chow, German shepherd, Doberman pinscher or Rottweiler. With any one of these breeds, the owner may be held responsible for the dog’s actions since they are known for their dangerous propensities. If the dog is not of a known breed with dangerous propensities, the injured party has the burden of proving that the owner knew or should have known that the dog attacked someone in the past. A good source for proving this is the local animal control, neighbors or even other family members. A number of municipalities also have leash laws which may circumvent the one-bite rule if the dog attacks a person in a public place or is trespassing on the victim’s property.
That is why it is extremely important to call an experienced Greensboro dog bite lawyer as soon as you can if you were injured in a dog attack. The sooner you call, the sooner we can start to prove your case. The trained Greensboro personal injury lawyers at Auger & Auger will identify the animal and its owner and gather evidence from neighbors or witnesses to prove that the owner was in fact knowledgeable that his dog was violent. We will then make sure the aggressive dog is properly quarantined. Dog owners can be liable for your medical costs, lost wages, physical injury, pain and suffering, and emotional trauma.
Free Consultation and No Fee Unless Recovery
The attorneys at Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers know the law when it comes to dog bite claims. Whether it be the breed of dog or manner in which the attack occurred, we have experienced it all and know how to perform the proper investigation to make sure our clients are properly compensated for their medical bills, lost time from work and injuries. Contact us now to learn your rights from an attorney. Your consultation is free and confidential.