Home / Frequently Asked Questions / South Carolina Law / South Carolina Motorcycle Accident Law
5 reasons you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer

5 reasons you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer South Carolina is a beautiful state to enjoy while riding a motorcycle. There are many scenic routes and places to go, or you can simply enjoy cruising down the road with no destination. If you experience a motorcycle accident, you could find yourself injured, in pain, dealing with medical bills, and missed time at work. It’s very common for people to wonder if they really need to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer. You may think that you can just file an insurance claim yourself - and you can. However, dealing directly…

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What can I do to stay safe while riding a motorcycle?

What Can I Do To Stay Safe While Riding A Motorcycle? Motorcycle riding can be fun and exciting, feeling the wind in your hair and enjoying the freedom of the open road. But it also carries more risk than riding in a passenger vehicle like a car - motorcycle riders have an 80 percent chance of injury or death in the event of a crash, as opposed to 20 percent for those in car accidents. It’s important to understand that motorcycles lack many safety measures that cars have, like seatbelts, airbags, or even the sturdy metal of the car’s body…

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My protective gear did not prevent an injury during my motorcycle accident, who can I sue?

My protective gear did not prevent an injury during my motorcycle accident, who can I sue? Motorcycle accidents can be very frightening, especially if you’re thrown from your bike or suffer a painful injury. Unfortunately, the risk of injury (or death) in a motorcycle accident is about 80 percent, compared to 20 percent for a car accident. This is because there are more safety features available in a car or larger vehicle, like seat belts, airbags, and the heavy metal of the car frame and doors. Many motorcyclists understand these risks and take steps to reduce the risk of injury…

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