What to Expect During a Deposition

A deposition is a key discovery tool used in litigation to collect facts under oath from parties to the lawsuit, witnesses, treating physicians, and other experts. Think of it as a pre-court interview that helps both sides gather evidence. It’s a moment where the story of each witness is recorded, setting the stage for what might unfold at trial. 

What Happens During a Deposition? 

Depositions usually occur in a lawyer’s office with the person being deposed, attorneys from both sides, and a court reporter who transcribes the questions and answers. This transcript can be crucial if the case goes to trial, especially if the person changes their testimony or cannot testify in person. 

The Process 

  1. Taking the Oath: Before the deposition begins, witnesses take an oath to answer honestly. This is a legal requirement and ensures that all statements made during the deposition are truthful and can be used in court. 
  2. Initial Instructions: The attorney conducting the deposition will provide brief instructions. These usually include directions to answer verbally (rather than with a nod or shake of the head) and to indicate if you do not understand a question or need it read back to you. The goal is to get clear, accurate facts on record. 
  3. Direct Examination: The attorney who requested the deposition starts with their questions, known as the direct examination. This can cover a wide range of topics related to the case. 
  4. Cross-Examination: After the direct examination, the opposing attorney has the opportunity to question the witness. This can involve challenging the witness’s statements or exploring additional details not covered in the direct examination. 

Key Points to Remember 

  • Honesty is Crucial: Always answer truthfully. If you do not know the answer to a question or cannot recall certain details, it’s okay to say so. Avoid speculating or guessing. 
  • Clarity and Consistency: Be clear and consistent with your answers. If you need to clarify or change an answer later, you can do so, but be aware that this may be noted by the opposing side and could affect the credibility of your testimony. 
  • Scope of Questions: The attorney may ask questions that might not be admissible in court but could lead to relevant evidence. This broad scope can sometimes feel intrusive, but it’s part of the discovery process. 

Preparing for a Deposition 

If you are a party to the lawsuit and the one being deposed, your lawyer should sit down with you ahead of time to explain the process, discuss your demeanor, and prepare you for potential questioning techniques that the opposing lawyer might use. This preparation is crucial for reducing anxiety and ensuring you present your facts clearly and accurately. 

Alternatives to Depositions 

Not every case will require a deposition. Other discovery methods include written questions (interrogatories) and document requests. However, depositions offer a dynamic insight into what witnesses recall and believe about the case, often providing a clearer picture than written statements. 

Contact Our Experienced North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers

Facing a deposition can be daunting, but preparation is key. At our North Carolina personal injury law firm, we ensure our clients are fully prepared and know what to expect. With years of experience, our goal is to make this process as straightforward and stress-free as possible. 

Contact Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers today for a free case evaluation. Our attorneys have been serving clients in the Carolinas for over two decades.