How Social Media Can Make or Break Your Case

If you’ve been in a car accident and are seeking compensation for your injuries, a simple post on Instagram or Facebook could jeopardize your entire case. Social media can serve as a goldmine of evidence for insurance companies looking to dispute your claims. 

The Role of Social Media in Legal Cases 

In the legal world, social media posts are considered discoverable evidence. This means anything you’ve shared online could be used in court. It’s not just about what you post; content from friends and family can also impact your case. For example, if you post a photo from a dinner out with friends, looking happy and unharmed a week after your accident, this can be used against you. The photo may not show the cast on your leg, the crutches sitting on the table, or the chronic pain you endure, but simply the fact that you are not actively recovering can be used to argue that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. 

The Impact of Your Online Activity 

Your online activity levels, comments, check-ins, and even the tone of your posts can be scrutinized. For instance, if you claim to have severe mobility issues but your social media shows you participating in physical activities, this contradiction can severely damage your credibility. 

Protecting Yourself Online 

So, what can you do to protect yourself? Here are some practical tips: 

  • Think Before You Post: If you’re in the middle of a personal injury claim, it might be best to lay low online. Avoid posting anything related to your accident, injuries, or recovery. 
  • Adjust Your Privacy Settings: While adjusting your privacy settings is a good step, remember that they are not foolproof. Courts can order social media companies to provide a download of all your activity, including deleted posts. 
  • Avoid Deleting Posts: Deleting posts can be seen as hiding evidence, which can lead to court penalties or damage your credibility. 
  • Limit Social Media Use: Reduce your social media use during the claim process. This minimizes the risk of unintentionally sharing information that could be used against you. 
  • Don’t Discuss Your Case Online: Refrain from discussing your case, injuries, or recovery on social media. 
  • Advise Friends and Family: Ask friends and family not to post about you or tag you in photos during your claim process. Their posts can also be used as evidence. 

The Importance of Consulting Experienced North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers

Navigating a personal injury claim is complex enough without adding social media pitfalls into the mix. Being cautious and consulting with your North Carolina personal injury lawyer about your online activity can make all the difference in securing a favorable outcome.

If you’re dealing with an accident case and have concerns about how your social media could affect it, we’re here to help. Reach out to Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers for professional advice and support from compassionate personal injury attorneys.