A fatal accident occurred on April 14, at the demolition site for the decommissioned Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet on North Carolina’s Outer Banks.
According to the Dare County Sheriff’s Office, one worker died and another was injured after a steel section of the bridge unexpectedly collapsed into the inlet. This incident happened at the two remaining spans of the partially demolished bridge’s high point. One report stated that two cranes were moving the deck sections when a worker fell into the water. It is not yet clear if the worker who fell died or was injured, but there was at least one fatality as a result of the incident.
Unfortunately, workplace injuries and fatalities have risen in recent years, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2019, there were 5,333 fatal work injuries reported in the US, a 2 percent increase from 2018. Fatalities in the private construction industry also increased by 5 percent.
There can be many contributing factors in workplace accidents, including failing to follow safety regulations, improperly maintained equipment, lack of appropriate training for workers, and lack of supervision at the site.
If you know a surviving family member of a person who was injured or killed in an accident, please encourage them to contact our firm immediately. The consultation is completely free, with no out-of-pocket cost to the family to hire us.
For over 25 years the attorneys at Auger & Auger have been dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals and families that have suffered injuries or lost loved ones due to the negligence of others. We have years of experience guiding and helping our clients every step of the way to receive compensation for aspects such as medical bills, funeral costs, and other monetary losses.
Editorial Note: At A&A we are always looking to improve the quality and safety and are saddened by the outcome of many tragic accidents across the Carolinas. The purpose of this news blog is to write about cases relevant to our industry and raise awareness about injury cases so that victims of similar incidents can educate themselves on theories of liability, the law, and how personal injury cases typically work. This article is created using publicly available information and is a secondary source. If you find any information here to be inaccurate, please notify us at [email protected], and we will make the appropriate adjustments.