You are driving down the street doing nothing but focusing on the road ahead when you are hit from seemingly out of nowhere. You didn’t see anyone coming, but you certainly felt the collision. You take a moment to process what has just happened, check on yourself and the passengers in your vehicle. You look up, only to see the person who hit you stumbling in the road way. Suddenly, they get back in their car and drive off. Here’s what you should do.
1. Call 911
The first thing you should do is to call the police. You will need to report details of the accident, including any injuries, property damage, the number of vehicles involved and whether or not the road is passable. Let the dispatcher know the type of behavior you witnessed from the other driver and that that person has fled the scene. Follow any instructions that the dispatcher gives you.
2. Provide First Aid
If anyone in your vehicle is injured, administer first aid if possible. You won’t want to move anyone that may have a back or neck injury. What you can do, however, is attempt to control any bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound.
3. Move To A Safe Place
As long as you are permitted to do so by the dispatcher, move your vehicle to a safe place if it is able to be driven. If you cannot drive the vehicle, make sure that you and your passengers walk to the sidewalk, a curb lawn or nearby parking lot if you can.
4. never Give Chase
It can be tempting to get in your car and chase after the person who caused your accident. This can lead to a confrontation which can make a bad situation worse. Get the license plate number of the other car if you are able to do so and stay put. Let law enforcement handle tracking down the driver.
Drunk driving crashes are frightening and traumatic. They are also preventable. Anyone who is injured in this type of accident has the right to compensation for injuries and more.
If you have been injured in a drunk driving crash in Charlotte, reach out to our team of attorneys. We will help you schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation at which time we will review the details of your accident and advise you of your options. Call today for assistance.