If you are involved in a bicycle versus auto accident, you are understandably shaken. If you are lucky enough to escape the incident with minor injuries, you may be wondering what steps to take. The choices you make following such a collision could determine the outcome of any civil lawsuit you choose to file.
The aftermath of a bike accident is not that different from what needs to happen after a car accident. Follow these tips should you find yourself in this situation.
1. Assess Injuries
The first thing you want to do, of course, is determine if you are injured. If you are, you will want to call 911 to summon emergency services. If you aren’t, calling 911 is still a good idea. You will want a police report of the incident.
2. Stay Put
If you aren’t injured and your bicycle isn’t damaged, you may think it’s okay to hop back on and ride away. Before you do, consider that you could be charged with leaving the scene of an accident. You may also be hurting your chances for compensation should you determine in the coming days that you were indeed injured. Stay where you are until the police tell you you can leave.
3. Exchange Information
Exchange information with all people involved in the accident. You will want to give the vehicle’s driver your name and contact information. You may also give them the contact information for your insurance company if your home insurance policy covers such accidents. You will want to get the same information from the other driver, including information for their auto insurance agency.
4. Seek Medical Attention
Even if you believe that you have not sustained any injury, it’s still important to seek medical attention. You may have injuries that won’t become apparent for several days. Seeking attention from a medical professional will keep you open to receiving compensation should you decide to file a civil suit.
5. Call An Attorney
A personal injury attorney understands the laws as they pertain to these types of accidents. An attorney can review the collision and advise you of the types and amounts of compensation you may be entitled to. An attorney can also help you discuss a settlement with the driver’s insurance company if that is what you choose to do.
Being involved in a bicycle accident is a frightening experience. Do your best to remain calm after the accident and take the appropriate steps. Under no circumstances should you lose your cool and make matters worse.
If you are injured in a bicycle accident in Charlotte or elsewhere in North or South Carolina, call our office. We will help you schedule a free case evaluation at which time we will help you determine your legal options. Reach out to us today to schedule your appointment. You do not have to suffer financially or otherwise due to someone’s negligence or error. You have rights and we are here to protect them.