You have been injured in a car accident and have decided to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for your injuries. You also want your car repaired and don’t feel as though you should have to pay for it. In order to prove your case, your attorney will have to provide evidence to the court. Just what type of evidence may your attorney attempt to use?
1. Medical Records
Medical records are the best way to show the court how you were injured. This is why it is always recommended to seek medical attention following an accident. The records submitted to the court may include notes, test results and copies of images. Your attorney will need your permission to secure these records on your behalf.
2. Estimates, Bills And Receipts
You will undoubtedly have been financially responsible for things related to your car accident before your case makes it to court. In order to be reimbursed for these items, your attorney will need to present bills, receipts and even estimates to the court. Save every piece of paper that you can following your accident.
3. Pictures And Video
Your attorney may provide the court with pictures and videos. These may include images of the accident scene, the vehicles involved and even your injuries. The more you can document the better.
4. Police Reports
Police reports will be used by your attorney to paint a picture of the accident. The police report can help in assigning blame. For example, the police officer may have noted that the other driver was cited for a traffic infraction as a result of the accident. This may help your attorney prove that the other driver was at fault.
5. Pay Stubs
If you are out of work following your accident because of your injuries, your attorney will use your pay stubs to show the court how much you are losing. In many cases, the at fault driver is legally liable to pay your lost wages if the accident has caused you to be unable to return to work.
6. Testimony From Witnesses
In some cases, your attorney may use witness testimony to prove your case. If anyone stuck around after your accident to talk to the police on your behalf, you should have gotten their contact information. If you did, your attorney may ask that they testify in court as to what they saw or heard before, during and after the crash.
There are a variety of types of evidence that your attorney may introduce in court in order to help prove your case. When a person is involved in an accident, the more information they can gather, the stronger their case will be.
If you have been involved in a crash in Charlotte or the surrounding area, an experienced auto accident attorney can help you seek the compensation you may be entitled to. Reach out to our team today for a free case evaluation. We will review the details of your case and help you take the next appropriate steps.