When it comes to vehicle accidents, there are certain people who are more likely to cause accidents than others. Read on to discover what research has shown.
Teenager Or Senior?
If the competition for worst drivers is between teenagers and seniors, teens lose. Drivers who are between the ages of 16 and 19 are three times more likely to cause a car crash than drivers 20 and over.
Seniors get a bad rap when it comes to driving. Teens do as well, but it is more deserved. According to the United States Census Bureau, teenagers are responsible for just over 12 percent of all car accidents in the country. Seniors are responsible for just over 7 percent.
Man Or Woman?
Sorry guys, but women come out as better drivers statistically. Men are more likely to be charged with driving under the influence, be cited for a traffic violation and cause an accident than women. That said, it’s important to know that men also clock more miles on the road than women.
Men are surpassed by women when it comes to which gender holds the most licenses, but men drive up to 40 percent more each year. Some people surmise that men get into more accidents because they drive more aggressively than females. This, of course, is only based on conjecture.
Bicyclists Or Drivers?
Bicycle versus vehicle accidents are particularly dangerous for cyclists. The power of being struck by a vehicle can send a cyclist through the air, causing a serious impact when they land. Statistics show that while cyclists are more likely to get into an accident than a vehicle driver, both are equally responsible for causing the accidents.
Only a third of reported bicycle accident involve cars. A cyclist is more likely to fall, be attacked by a dog or crash due to poor road conditions than be struck by a car. Most bike accidents, in fact, have to do with road conditions, poor signage and a lack of bike lanes.
While there may be drivers who are more statistically likely to cause a crash, anyone can be a danger behind the wheel. It is in the interest of everyone on the road for those operating vehicles to do so with safety in mind. Staying focused, obeying the rules of the road and driving for road conditions can go a long way in keeping you out of harm’s way.
If you do happen to be involved in a vehicle accident in North Carolina, you may be entitled to damages and compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Reach out to our experienced team of auto accident attorneys to schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation. We will review the details of your accident and advise you of your legal options.