The first few weeks after a brain injury can be worrisome. Victims often experience swelling, bleeding or changes in brain chemistry. These issues can affect the way that brain tissue functions. While many people improve from brain injuries, some do not. How a person recovers depends on the injury and the individual.
Despite the difficulty in determining exactly how a patient will recover, there are generalities that can be considered. Typically, people experience the greatest amount of recovery within two years of the injury. After this, recovery may halt or slow dramatically. It is not to say that a person cannot return to full function, but that they may be very slow to do so.
When a person is recovering from a traumatic brain injury after a motorcycle or any other type of accident, medical professionals rate their recovery using the Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning. This scale is as follows:
Level 1: No response.
Level 2: Responses are not consistent and not directly in response to stimuli.
Level 3: Responses are inconsistent but in response to stimuli.
Level 4: Patient experiences agitation and confusion.
Level 5: Patient is confused and inaccurately responds to commands.
Level 6: Patient is confused but responds accurately to given commands.
Level 7: Person can go about day with minimal confusion.
Level 8: Memory is functioning and patient is responsive to environment.
Level 9: Patient can function but is aware of need for assistance.
Level 10: Patient can function but may need extended time or compensatory strategies.
After two years, most people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury show decreases in disability. Many live in private residences and are employed. It is not unusual for people to require some type of supervision during the day or night.
This is not intended to be legal advice or indicative of all patients. If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, the best source of health information is a medical professional.
If you need a personal injury lawyer in North Carolina due to a traumatic brain injury, call our office today. A member of our team will review the details of your case at no cost to you and advise you of your options. Call now or browse our website for more information about our firm and how we can assist you.