Back in 2013 there was an accident at the Coca Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway. To film the races, cameras are mounted on rope structures above the crowd. To keep the camera steady, these ropes are under very high tension.
One of those ropes snapped and sliced through the crowd. It injured ten people and caused a panic in the stands. Some of the rope and the camera had fallen onto the track and they were worried that a car would carry it along and cause more havoc. No drivers were injured but several cars were damaged. Three of the injured people had to be taken to the hospital.
It was later determined that it was a FOX Sports camera that landed on the track. Now a man is suing FOX Sports Productions, the speedway, and Speedway Motorsports for negligence. He said the rope wound around his arm and caused permanent injuries.
Sometimes the full effects of an injury don’t become apparent until much later after an accident. The insurance company may have settled with you already, but further medical care is needed due to later complications. In these cases, it may be necessary to turn to the civil court system for compensation and to the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer.
If you’ve been injured in an accident, you need to call Auger & Auger about your case. Our skilled attorneys are ready to listen to your story and help you get the money you deserve. Don’t suffer in silence; let us speak for you.