Only a monster would leave a child to suffer in a hot car, right? You may think that, but you would be wrong. Every summer, there are dozens of children that are left in the backseat of hot cars only because their parents are distracted and operating outside of their normal routine.
On average, there are 37 children who die each year as a result of heat stroke sustained in a vehicle. The tragic accident can happen to the most loving, competent parents and guardians. No one thinks it will ever happen to them, but it does. here are ways that you can prevent such a tragedy from happening to you.
1. Put Something In The Back Seat
When you buckle your child into the backseat, leave something that you will need with them. It may be your purse, your cellphone or even your employee I.D. badge. Choose something that you would have to go back to your car for if you forgot.
2. Keep A Bear In The Child Seat
It doesn’t have to be a bear, but it should be something brightly colored. Keep it in the child seat and, when you buckle your child into the seat, move the object to the passenger seat. This will serve as a reminder that your little one is in the back.
3. The Buddy System
Find someone you trust and ask them to call you. The key is to have them call you between 5 and 10 minutes after you are expected to arrive at your destination. The purpose for the call? To ask you if you remembered to take your child out of the car.
4. Take Off Your Shoe
If you drive an automatic, you drive with your right foot. Take off your left shoe. Set the shoe next to your child’s seat. You won’t walk very far with only one shoe on.
5. Check The Backseat
Make a habit out of checking your backseat, even if your child is not with you. Once you practice this enough, it will become second nature. Always checking the backseat as you get out of the car will help to ensure you don’t lock your child inside.
It’s important to remember that none of these methods are foolproof and that accident do happen. The more vigilant you are and the more ways you can trick yourself into getting into the backseat, the less likely you are to become the victim of this horrendous type of accident.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in Charlotte, call our office. A member of our team will discuss the details of your accident with you at no cost. Let us help you determine the next appropriate steps. Call now for assistance.