Any dog can bite. That should not be something that you are unaware of. Unfortunately, there are certain breeds of dogs that are known to bite more often or in a more aggressive way than others.
A list compiled by an insurance company specializing in dog liability includes these 10 breeds as the most dangerous:
• Staffordshire Terriers and Pit Bulls
• Doberman Pinschers
• Rottweilers
• Chow Chows
• Great Danes
• Perro de Presa Canario
• Akitas
• Alaskan Malamutes
• German Shepherd Dogs
• Siberian Huskies
When you purchase a home, you are required to maintain home owner’s insurance. When you rent, your landlord may require that you obtain a renter’s insurance policy. What you may not realize is that if you own one of these breeds, you can find it difficult or impossible to obtain an insurance policy. But why?
Statistically speaking, when you own one of these breeds, your home owner’s insurance company is putting themselves at greater risk of having to pay out a major liability claim. Some companies are simply not willing to take this risk. While it is true that any dog can bite, the breeds listed above are more likely to do so.
As a home owner, it is your responsibility to prevent a dog bite. While it may seem unfair to group pets together in any type of “dog attacks by breed” list, the facts speak for themselves. If you want to lessen your risk of being sued or dropped from your insurance, it is up to you to ensure that your pet is socialized and trained properly and supervised at all times.
No matter what type of dog breed you own, your insurance company has the right to stipulate how that dog is kept in order for you to be able to maintain a policy. Your insurance agent can provide you with information in regards to these stipulations.
It is important to understand that if your dog bites someone who is on your property, you can be held liable. While dog bite settlements vary by case, you can be held responsible for medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering. Even if your dog has not been legally labeled as dangerous, you are liable if it bites a human.
Responsible ownership is the key in preventing the majority of dog bites. Through proper training and supervision, you can help to reduce the risk of injury or death caused by your beloved pet. While some dog bites are not preventable, many are. It is up to you to understand your dog, its behavior, and its propensity for biting.
If you or someone you know has been attacked by dog, no matter the breed, contact the office of Auger & Auger today. Our animal attack attorneys are experts in personal injury and dog bite law and can get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us now!