You may have a plan for your money. You could be saving for major life events like a home, marriage or even children. What many people don’t save for are tragic events like car accidents. The medical expenses incurred following a car accident can be debilitating. For example, a three-day hospital stay can cost tens of thousands of dollars or more depending on the severity of the injuries.
The initial medical costs following a car accident vary as every accident is different. Remember those initial costs for an ER visit or hospital stay don’t include follow-up care costs which could involve additional treatments to other doctors for diagnostic testing, treatment, therapy or even additional surgeries. You could also have to pay for extensive medical visits, prescription medications and medical equipment. The costs associated with a car accident add up quickly and that is one of the reasons that accident victims hire attorneys to help them with their injury claims or even with have to file a personal injury lawsuit following a collision.
Medical Costs
Following a car accident, you may be presented with a variety of medical costs. You may have to pay for emergency medical services provided by EMS responders (ambulance, life flight, etc.) radiology, physicians, nurses, therapists and medication. You may have to pay for medical equipment, physical therapy, chiropractic care or inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation.
Once these medical costs begin to add up, people often become anxious. People with health insurance are often concerned with how they will be able to afford their deductibles, co-pays or out of pocket costs. Uninsured accident victims face serious bills as well, however they can find themselves in a difficult position to find medical providers that can treat them without having insurance. Accidents affect a victim’s physical and financial health. Accidents often result in people being unable to work. That can be a long or short term problem. An inability to pay for medical costs is not unusual, and it can impact a person’s credit dramatically.
Unpaid Medical Bills
Close to 43 million Americans have some sort of medical debt. Hospitals and medical providers don’t wait long for payment. It’s not unusual for accounts to be sent to collection agencies before the injured person has settled their personal injury claim. If you are unable to pay your medical bills, you may find that your credit impacted and a problem with being able to make ends meet.
Additionally, credit problems caused by unpaid medical bills can cause issues when trying to rent or buy housing, purchase a vehicle, secure employment or even negotiate an insurance premium. It is important for people to do everything within their power to ensure that their medical bills are paid in a timely manner, and this may include filing a personal injury lawsuit. When another person is found to be at fault in a vehicle collision, the victim should not be forced to suffer with physical, emotional or financial difficulties.
If you have been involved in a car accident in Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, Greensboro or elsewhere in North Carolina, our team is here to assist you. Call our office today to schedule an appointment for a case evaluation. We will discuss your accident with you, advise you of your legal options and help you take the next steps appropriate for your unique situation. Do not assume that you have no recourse. Our team is ready to help you get the compensation you deserve so that your financial health is impacted in the least way possible. Call today or browse our website for more information about our firm.