It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon in June, 1998. Five year old Christina McCarthy was riding in the car with her mother and younger sister when the vehicle went out of control and hydroplaned into a ditch. Many of us cannot turn to one singular, life-changing event, but this was the day that Christina’s life was immeasurably altered.
The accident left her with a collapsed lung, a fractured skull, and a severed spine; injuries which left her wheelchair-bound and subject to numerous surgeries over the past 17 years. Now, at 22, in spite of everything she has had to face and overcome, Christina’s outlook on life continues to be radiant. She perseveres in spite of the odds and is currently attending college.
“As a personal injury law firm, our attorneys frequently represent families who are coping with the aftermath of serious injuries and disabling impairments. We observe firsthand the unique challenges that disabled men and women face and see the strength and perseverance necessary to overcome expectations,” says firm founding partner, Herb Auger.
As part of the firm’s efforts to give back to the disabled community, Auger & Auger is sponsoring a $1,000 scholarship, given twice a year, to assist with tuition and expenses at a qualifying undergraduate institution.
Christina admits paying for college has “…been a bit of an issue,” but has resolved that, “No matter what life throws at me, whatever loops and turns I am forced to endure, and no matter how long it takes, I will accomplish my goal.” She is currently pursuing a psychology degree and plans to work in a rehabilitation hospital with others who have spinal injuries. She believes that her unique situation will forge a bond with those intends to serve.
“Not often do you come across a young person with the type of determination and resolve Christina exhibits,” says firm founding partner, Herb Auger. “She embodies the spirit with which this scholarship was created.”
Attributing her resilience to her family and friends who, she says, have gone above and beyond anything she could have expected when it comes to their support for her, she also ascertains, “I am very capable and determined to work hard and become the best person for the job. Bring it on.”
When asked what words of encouragement she would give a child faced with the same circumstances as she was, her advice is to “Love yourself and believe in yourself. Life does get better.”
With the help of the Auger and Auger Disabled Scholar Award, Christina is one step closer to her intended goal. Her outlook is beyond inspirational. You can sense the fire that drives her to continue to face what others may find insurmountable. As she moves forward with passion and embraces her personal mantra – “Put on a smile, and everything will be alright” – we congratulate Christina on her scholarship win and look forward to seeing her achieve continued greatness.