CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Citizens of Charlotte, get ready. An arctic freeze is coming our way.
According to weather forecasters, the city of Charlotte is in for a cold spell. Cold air will be arriving mid-week, and Thursday will see temperatures below the freezing mark. Expect temperatures, with the wind chill, in the low to mid-teens through the end of the week.
Although the polar vortex is not expected to bring precipitation, there is no better time than now to remind ourselves how to prepare our cars for frigid temperatures.
Fill Up
When the temperatures plummet, your car has a difficult time getting started. The old advice was to not let your gas tank fall below ¼ of a tank. Modern wisdom tells us that as soon as your tank reaches half-full, it is time to fill up.
If you have been neglecting to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle, there is no better time than the present. Have your oil changed, top off your fluids, and make sure your tires are properly inflated.
Emergency Kit
Is your car equipped with an emergency kit? Should you experience a breakdown during the cold weather, you do not want to be stuck on the side of the road with nothing but the few layers of clothing you have on.
Grab an old backpack or duffel bag and make an emergency kit. A few bottles of water, a box of granola bars, flares, a flashlight with fresh batteries, and jumper cables are the essentials. Consider packing a blanket, a pair of gloves, extra socks, and dry shoes.
Stay Nearby
It can be tempting to leave your car to find help. Avoid the temptation and stay with your car. Unless you can clearly see an open gas station or store and it is safe to walk, stay inside of your vehicle and call for assistance. Hypothermia is a very real risk and may cause you to become disoriented. Straying from the safety of your vehicle can have deadly consequences.
Slow Down
Slow it down on the roads. You are not going to get where you are going on time if you are involved in an accident. Leave your house early, drive slowly, and get where you need to be safely. Black ice is all but invisible on the roads and, in below-freezing temperatures, highly likely to develop.
If you have been injured in a car accident through no fault of your own, the experienced accident attorneys at Auger & Auger want to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us for a free consultation today!