Spring break is a favorite time of year among students, teachers and parents. It’s a time of year where college students and families are taking to the roads for vacations that offer the ability to make memories that last a lifetime. Perhaps most popular among college students, spring break is a chance to let loose and forget the pressures of college, even if only for a few days.
If you will be heading out on spring break this season, there are some dangers that you need to know about. Here are the most likely spring break injuries you are likely to incur:
1. Violent Crime
Unfortunately, not every country can be considered a safe travel destination. In fact, any country that has a warning telling us that “U.S. citizens…” have been the victim of any type of crime should be marked off of anyone’s short list. If you see one of these warnings in a travel brochure or on a website and still book a ticket, you could be setting yourself up for kidnapping, robbery or carjacking. Proceed with caution.
2. Drinking
Some states have dram shop laws. This means that the bartender or other staff member is supposed to cut you off if they think you have drank too much. If you aren’t cut off by someone else, do it yourself. Injuries stemming from having had too much to drink top the list of spring break injuries every year.
3. Bar Fights
Some people just can’t control their alcohol. Bar fights can arise out of the most simple of arguments. If you are injured in a bar fight, you may be able to sue the bar owner for any injuries that you sustain.
4. Slips and Falls
Bars aren’t the only places that people drink. Slips and falls at house parties and on other private and public premises are not unusual. If you drink, mind your step.
5. Baseball Injuries
It may seem strange that people incur baseball injuries during spring break, but it shouldn’t. Thousands of people head to Spring Training, and hundreds sustain injury. Whether it’s because you trip over something or get hit in the head with a foul ball, these types of injuries happen more often than you think. Keep your eyes open.
Try and stay safe during your celebrations this spring break. You want to enjoy your vacation, not spend it recouping from injuries.
If you are injured in North Carolina, our team of personal injury lawyers is here for you. Reach out to our office for a free case evaluation. Call now or browse our website for more information about how we can assist you.