You have been driving your old car for years. You love your car. The four wheels sitting in your driveway are paid for, and you loathe the idea of taking on another monthly car payment. But should you?
It’s not unusual for people to pay off a car and then hang on to it. They may use it for work or hand it down to their kids. They may use it as their primary form of transportation simply to save themselves from being forced to make a car payment for something newer. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, people hanging onto their beloved cars may be putting themselves at risk.
What Is “old?”
When someone says “old car,” what do you picture? In this instance, the NHTSA is talking about pre-2008 models. This is the year that safety features began improving by leaps and bounds, resulting in the lowest fatality and injury rates in decades.
If you are driving a vehicle of a model year prior to 2008, there are some statistics you should be aware of according to the NHTSA.
1. Risk of Crashing
If you are driving a car that was made before 2008, your likelihood of being involved in a crash is 30 percent. This is compared to a likelihood of 25 percent in a newer vehicle.
2. Injuries
If you do happen to be involved in a collision in an older car, you have a 79 percent chance of walking away without injury. In a newer vehicle, your chances of walking away are increased to 82 percent.
3. Thousands of Lives
It is estimated that in 2008, 2,000 lives were saved thanks to safety improvements found in vehicles. That numbers is expected to be even greater today as technology has improved dramatically.
4. Preventable Accidents
When accidents that occurred before 2008 were studied, it was determined that had those accidents occurred in vehicles with safety features introduced in 2008, close to 200,000 would have been prevented.
Does this all mean that you have to give up your cherished car in order to make yourself safer? Well, maybe….. If you are driving a vehicle that is 10 years old, or older, and can afford to do so, shelling out for a newer model may help to protect you and the ones you love. You don’t have to buy the latest and greatest, but you should look for a car made post-2008.
While nothing can prevent every car accident from occurring, there are certainly steps that we can all take to avoid them. If you happen to be involved in a collision in Charlotte that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation for injuries, damaged vehicle and more. Reach out to our team of experienced auto accident attorneys for more information about what you may qualify for. Your first consultation with your attorney will be held at no cost to you. Call today to schedule your case evaluation.